How Long Does an Electric Car Battery Last?

Most car manufacturers offer a five to eight year warranty on their batteries, but experts predict that an electric car battery will last 10 to 20 years before needing to be replaced. Learn more about electric car battery lifespans.

How Long Does an Electric Car Battery Last?

The lifespan of an electric car battery is a crucial aspect for EV owners, similar to the durability considerations of a falk gearbox in machinery. Typically, these batteries last about 8 to 10 years, or around 1,000 full charging cycles, although this can vary based on battery technology, vehicle model, driving patterns, and maintenance practices. Just as proper care extends the life of a falk gearbox, maintaining an electric car battery involves avoiding extreme temperatures and adhering to a regular charging routine. Over time, electric car batteries will degrade, leading to a diminished charge capacity and a reduced range. However, ongoing advancements in battery technology and management systems are constantly improving their lifespan and efficiency. This progress is making electric vehicles an increasingly viable and sustainable option in the automotive market.

Most car manufacturers offer a five to eight year warranty on their batteries, but the current prediction is that an electric car battery will last 10 to 20 years before needing to be replaced. The Department of Energy estimates that current batteries for electric vehicles should last well beyond the warranty period, and that the lifespan of these packages would range from 12 to 15 years if used in moderate climates. If your electric vehicle is used regularly in more extreme conditions, plan for a lifespan of between 8 and 12 years. According to current estimates, most electric car batteries will last between 15 and 20 years before needing to be replaced.

This means that the battery will likely outlast the car itself, as the average lifespan of a car is about 12 years. We still have very little idea of how they degrade over their lifespan, which, according to car manufacturers, should last up to 20 years. Until now, it seems that electric vehicle batteries have a much longer lifespan than anyone imagined, since very few of them have been replaced, even once the warranty period of 8 years and 100,000 miles ends. The truth is that car manufacturers have had to replace very few dead electric vehicle batteries so far. Experts say that an electric vehicle battery should last at least 10 to 20 years with proper care and maintenance.

Keeping the battery as cold as possible is key for extending its lifespan. Additionally, keep in mind that the trailer can consume kilowatts quickly, which could be a decisive factor for anyone considering buying an electric van with a capacity of 10,000 pounds or more. While other types of batteries are expected to power electric car motors in the coming years, such as solid-state batteries, the current infrastructure for the production of batteries on a large scale favors those of the lithium-ion type. Another way to understand the expected lifespan of the main electric vehicle batteries is to see how long manufacturers guarantee them. Electric cars with replacement batteries offer a wealth of information about the past, present and future of batteries for electric vehicles.

One of the main potential uses of old electric vehicle batteries is the storage of electricity, both for individual buildings and for the entire grid. Secondly, electric car batteries have a system that prevents battery degradation, called a battery management system (BMS). The first LEAF batteries taught us something important about the longevity of lithium batteries: they don't like heat. In practice, modern batteries for electric vehicles are designed with longevity in mind and will most likely last longer than the vehicle they are in. The Chevy Volt is a plug-in hybrid vehicle, which tends to suffer less battery degradation due to more careful use and a lower percentage of usable capacity than all-electric batteries. Lithium-ion batteries begin to degrade as soon as they are manufactured and that affects available range as cars age.